Do You Need Help for Anxiety and Your tweens
Many times our tweens, teens, and young adults suffer from anxiety. Sometimes we don’t know what to do. Caris Snider, an anxiety survivor herself, has written all about anxiety and now for girls’ and boys’ tweens too!
Tweens are around the age of 8 to 12 years old.
Older teens and young adults who face anxiety would greatly benefit from Caris’s first book, Anxiety Elephants 31 Day Devotional!
Maybe you aren’t sure if your child is suffering from anxiety. Here are some symptoms: stomach ache, headaches, fidgety, distraction during school or sports, crying, or getting angry. These are real symptoms, and we need to dig a little deeper to help them overcome anxiety.
How do we help our children with anxiety? Here are a few suggestions:
Open up a conversation while distracted, so they are more likely to open up.
Start conversations with specific questions about today. For example, “How was your lunch?” instead of “How was your day?” We want the most information we can get.
Discuss some of the more complex issues with your tween, teen, and young adults to prepare and not be caught off guard, giving them a firm foundation.
These keys can help you equip them for anxiety- why wait?
In Anxiety Elephants for Tween Girls and Anxiety Elephants for Tween Boys, you get a scripture, devotion, and a stomp step to help stomp out anxiety each day. There is also a prayer and journaling page so that they can write down their struggles or what they learned—or even draw something—or rewrite the scripture.
Once you determine that your intuition may be correct, here are a few more positive steps to help them. Admit and acknowledge they are anxious so you know that you need the next steps. If your child had asthma, you would go to a doctor and even get medicine. So first, make an appointment with your child’s doctor and make sure there is no underlying condition. Rule out any physical problems. Then make an appointment for a counselor to help guide your anxious tweens to healing.
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