
Start Again From Scratch

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When Steve and I got married 30 plus years ago, we never dreamed our first 17 years could become hell on earth. I never thought there would come a day when I would love to hate my husband. Here was the man I had vowed to love until the day one of us died, and for most of those first 17 years I prayed his death would come quickly. And preferably at my hands.

Maybe you are at that same desperate point in your own marriage. Maybe you think your marriage is so far gone nothing could fix it. Not even a miracle. You don’t even know why you picked up this book. But you did pick it up. We’re so glad you did.

Inside this book lies the story of the honest-to-goodness miracle that happened in our marriage. We discovered a secret that in a single instant could erase 17 years’ worth of arguments, mistrust, broken promises, curse words, and hate. In one conversation and one prayer, all the parts of our marriage that we had burned beyond recognition fell away. It happened when Steve and I made a decision together to start again from scratch.

Maybe this sounds too simple, but believe us, it worked. We got our love back. We kept our family together. We preserved our legacy. We prevented our children’s hearts from breaking. We discovered sizzling sex. We became best friends.

The changes stuck too. We started again from scratch 12 years ago, and today our marriage is better than ever. We love each other more, like each other tremendously, and can’t wait to live to a ripe old age together.

The best part of our miracle is now we get to share it with you. Every couple can do the same thing we did and decide together to start again from scratch. That’s why we call this the “no-fail recipe for reviving your marriage.”

If you grab all the ingredients we suggest and follow the directions carefully (Don’t forget a heaping helping of our “Secret Sauce),” in no time at all you’ll be cooking up a brand new relationship with your same old spouse. One that tastes better than you ever could have dreamed.

Better than chocolate peanut butter pie. Better than your grandma’s sour cream. Better than pound cake with buttercream icing. Better than the tastiest filet mignon with homemade burgundy shallot mushroom sauce or the most luscious lobster dripping with butter. (We could continue, but the list is making us hungry.)

How about it? Are you feeling the hunger pangs for change? Thirsty for a brand new relationship? Tired of living on a marital diet of mistrust, dishonesty, contempt, and criticism? Whether you have been married five months or 15 years, that kind of negative diet has not made you a lean, mean marriage machine. Nope. Instead, we bet it has packed on the pounds of loneliness, bitterness, and resentment. Every day, you feel heavier and heavier as all the junk in your marital trunk weighs you down.

Today is the day you can shed the extra weight and start again from scratch. Right now. This minute, you and your spouse can experience the same miracle Steve and I had. Sooner than you think, you will be having your miracle and living it too. We can’t wait ’til you try a bite.

We are so excited to share with you the ways we learned how to Start Again from Scratch: A No-Fail Recipe for Reviving Your Marriage. Inside these chapters, you will find special ingredients that will bring your love back to life. You’ll discover directions that will help you combine these fresh ingredients in the very best way to spice up your marriage and make it a sizzling success.

Each chapter of Start Again from Scratch contains some of our personal story and a new ingredient or direction for your marriage. The chapters start with my (Laine’s) insight, followed by some of Steve’s perspective. We thought it was important for couples to hear both sides of the story, from the wife and the husband. As husband and wife, male and female, Steve and I process things differently. We also feel differently and act and react differently. In order to capture the full picture of our marriage restoration, we believe you, the readers, can benefit best from the input of both of us.

At the end of each chapter, you will find a “recipe” of action points for you to take and build upon, plus a “recipe card” journaling page to add your own notes and tweaks. We encourage you to write down what you are doing and feeling as your recipe unfolds. It will be a powerful dish to share with others soon.

Finally, the last page of each chapter is an actual recipe of ours you can carry into your kitchen and try. Food brings comfort, and these are some of our family’s favorite no-fail recipes to help fill your stomach and nourish your bodies as you work hard to renew your hearts.

No matter how bad your marriage is today, it can be transformed by tomorrow. We know it can. We’re living proof. So please join us now on the journey. We promise if you start again from scratch and follow our no-fail recipe, your marriage will revive and thrive.

Laine and Steve will come to you at the Start Again From Scratch Events. They will lead you through the miraculous steps of reviving your marriage shared in their book. If you marriage is dead or hopeless and you both are willing– or if you are newlywed or engaged to be married– you don’t won’t to miss this incredible event where Laine and Steve guide you through their powerful authentic and intimate journey of marriage reconciliation and restoration!

Then you can share your miracle story too.

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