Do You Want to Know Your Spouse Better?
Do you want to know your spouse better? I sure wish I could’ve known what I know now to get along better with my husband. We were at odds for way too many years. We literally lived on opposite ends of the house for several years. It was very sad and a lot of it was that we misunderstood one another.
When my marriage was dead, and I was hopeless, I sure wished I had known about Linked for Couples. Steve and I did NOT understand each other at all! It took several years of counseling to learn about each of our personalities and how to deal with one another better!
Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself today about your marriage:
- Do you love your spouse but feel like you don’t understand each other?
- Do you long to have a deeper connection with your life’s partner?
- Is your marriage thriving or merely surviving?
- Is there conflict in your home that you would like to convert to peace?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, this quick guide to personalities is for you. You will want to listen in with Linda Goldfarb today on the Livin’ Lively with Laine Podcast as she shares proven strategies and quick tips to help you connect better with your spouse and positively handle real-life situations.
Go through a simple assessment, identify your personality type and the personality type of your spouse from her book, Linked for Couples, which teaches couples how to apply these simple tools to quickly improve communication and create a peaceful living environment.
For any of you who are hopeless about your marriage, please contact me.
I will send you my free full version book, Start Again From Scratch, which shares how God resurrected my own marriage miraculously. Also, I would love to pray for your marriage with you!
I am here for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can email me, call me at 1-833-PRAY-W-ME, or reply to this email, and I will pray with you. You are never alone.
I love you very much.
PSS: Did you get a chance to listen to the first episodes of my newest podcast, Warfare Parenting Podcast? Warfare Parenting is for parents of prodigal teens and young adults. Please share it with anyone who is facing this difficult challenge.